How To Achieve Body Recomposition

Body recomposition is a fitness term that has gained significant popularity in recent years, sparking curiosity and interest among individuals looking to transform their bodies. This concept challenges the traditional notion that you can't lose weight and build muscle at the same time.

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of body recomposition, exploring what it is and providing actionable insights on how to embark on this transformative journey with 373 Lab Supplements at your side.

Understanding Body Recomposition

Body recomposition, often referred to as "recomp," involves simultaneously losing body fat and gaining muscle mass. Unlike conventional fitness goals that focus solely on either fat loss or muscle building, body recomposition seeks to strike a balance between the two, reshaping the body for a more toned and athletic appearance.

The traditional approach to fitness typically involves cycles of bulking (gaining muscle) and cutting (losing fat), which can be effective but may lead to fluctuations in weight and body composition. Body recomposition, on the other hand, emphasizes a more gradual and sustainable transformation, promoting long-term health and fitness.

Key Components of Body Recomposition

  1. Nutrition: Central to any body recomposition journey is a well-balanced and nutritious diet. To promote fat loss while building muscle, it's essential to maintain a slight caloric deficit. This means consuming fewer calories than your body needs to maintain its current weight. However, this deficit should be moderate to prevent muscle loss and provide the necessary energy for workouts.
  2. Strength Training: Incorporating a structured strength training program is crucial for body recomposition. Resistance training not only helps build and maintain lean muscle mass but also boosts metabolism, aiding in fat loss.
  3. Cardiovascular Exercise: While strength training takes precedence in body recomposition, cardiovascular exercise plays a supportive role in burning calories and enhancing overall cardiovascular health. High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is particularly effective, as it combines short bursts of intense activity with periods of rest or lower intensity.
  4. Adequate Rest and Recovery: Giving your body sufficient time to rest and recover is often overlooked but critical for successful body recomposition. Muscles need time to repair and grow stronger after intense workouts. Ensure you get adequate sleep, as it is during this period that your body undergoes essential processes for recovery and hormonal balance.

How To Do Body Recomposition

Besides hard work, dedication, and consistency, here are a few tips to help get you started on your body recomposition journey:

Calculate And Track Your Macros

To create an effective nutrition plan for body recomposition, calculate your macros (protein, carbohydrate, and fat) needs based on your goals and activity level.  You can do this by using a macro calculator and adjusting the settings to fit your stats and goals. As mentioned earlier, you want a slight calorie deficit of 100-500 calories, anything bigger than that can lead to fat loss only. However, you can also set them at maintenance and increase your activity level. This will ensure that you're getting all the nutrients you need to promote muscle growth along with fat loss.

Besides calculating your macros, you also want to track them! Keeping track of what you're eating can be daunting, but if you want to achieve the best results possible then you must! Plus, with time it'll become a habit and much easier.

Eat Plenty Of Protein

All macros are important, but when it comes to building muscle and losing weight - protein is KEY! Protein helps build lean muscle, prevent muscle tissue breakdown, and so much more. After you calculate your macros, you'll know exactly how much protein you need. The number might be high and seem unreachable, but there are many ways you can increase your protein intake – even for those who are vegan!

That's why at 373 Lab, we have a Whey Protein Isolate and a Vegan Protein Isolate. Both of our Protein Powder blends contain a high protein content and are naturally flavored so you don't get that icky artificial or chalky taste like other protein powders. It's perfect for a post-workout shake or whenever you need more protein at the end of the day!

Prioritize Strength Training

Aside from protein, strength training will be your best friend. When it comes to fat loss many people go for cardio, but if you want to lose weight while building muscle you need to prioritize strength training. As mentioned earlier, strength training will help you build muscle while also boosting your metabolism and promoting fat loss.

Aim for a combination of hypertrophy (muscle-building) and strength-focused workouts. Progressive overload, gradually increasing the resistance or intensity of your exercises, is key to stimulating muscle growth.

Don't Neglect Cardio

Strength training should be your priority when it comes to training, but don't leave cardio behind! Cardio, like sprinting, HIIT, or even walking on an incline can help. Just be careful when structuring your workouts! You can plan for cardio on the days you don't lift weights, or you can do it right after your training. Doing intense cardio before hitting the weights can tire your muscles out so they aren't working to their fullest potential.

Focus on recovery

What you do after the gym matters too! Take your post-workout recovery and your rest days seriously.

After your training, always stretch and cool down! Stretching for 5-10 minute post-workout can reduce your risk of tearing a muscle, helps elongate and lengthen your body while your muscles are still warm, and most importantly, help your nervous system relax after a tough workout. Also, make sure to hydrate, and take a post-workout recovery supplement, like BCAA's or Protein Powder to help reduce muscle breakdown!

On rest days make sure to stick to your macros, but don't be overly restrictive. Make your macros work for you so you can still eat the foods you enjoy in moderation. This will also help make the process more enjoyable! Take any supplements you may need to improve recovery or increase protein intake, like Protein Powder and Creatine. Lastly, get good sleep!

The quality of your sleep may not seem important, but it is. Sleep is when the body begins to repair and rebuild the muscle tissue torn during weight training. So, if you don't get sufficient good sleep then you'll be delaying your results.

Ready to get results?

Embarking on a body recomposition journey requires a comprehensive and sustainable approach. By understanding the principles of simultaneous fat loss and muscle gain, implementing a balanced nutrition plan, and following a consistent workout routine, you'll be on your way to the results you want!

Who are we?

We're 373 Lab! Co-Founded by Iulia Danilova (Fit With Iulia), and with a team filled with fitness enthusiasts, we've worked hard to provide high-quality supplements that are made with only the ingredients you need in optimal doses. No unnecessary fillers.

If you're looking for supplements that will help you train harder, increase your protein intake, and recover better then look no further. From our Creatine to our Pre-Workout, all of our supplements are designed to help you achieve any goal you may have.

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How To Achieve Body Recomposition